For over 10 years, Good Pitch has been connecting the world's best social justice films with new allies and partners.
Since 2008, over 400 film teams have pitched at Good Pitch. During that time, more than 3,200 organizations from across civil society have attended a flagship Good Pitch event to learn about the films and to think about how they could partner with those projects. 94% of attendees recommend participating in a Good Pitch. In eight years, over 1,600 extraordinary strategic partnerships have been brokered at flagship Good Pitch live events, connecting filmmakers directly with new partners from the NGO, governmental, foundation, and philanthropic sectors.
Good Pitch Vancouver selects Canadian environmental and social justice documentaries that have the potential to become significant social change campaigns. The topics are diverse and powerful, ranging from global issues to the deeply personal. Films that are selected to participate enter into a six month program that includes two multi-day residency labs, and several months of strategy, research, and advocacy support, culminating in an event day and a robust coalition of supporters to launch the impact work.
Since 2018, Good Pitch Vancouver has taken 10 films and invited 376 representatives from 246 different organizations across Canada, the US, and Europe. More than 475 pledges and partnerships have been ignited with the aim of enriching the lives of individuals, transforming communities, and tackling some of the most urgent issues today. $227,250 has been raised for the impact campaigns.
In 2020, we are hosting 8 virtual events with Good Pitch Vancouver alumni films to further their impact coalitions.