For April 2023, 249 organisations screenedBefore They Fall for Earth Day!
First Nations, conservation groups, and scientists have been fighting to protect the remaining old-growth forests in British Columbia for decades, but the conflict escalates when a logging company tries to access the last unprotected ancient watershed on southern Vancouver Island. Land defenders block the road to and hundreds of thousands join them. A telling illustration of decades of Indigenous disenfranchisement, Before They Fall tells the story of Fairy Creek and points to the Indigenous voices calling out for defense of the land.
Featuring land defenders at Fairy Creek, and Indigenous leaders like Rainbow Eyes and Rande Cook, this 30-minute documentary explores each characters’ individual relationship with ancient forests, and why it’s imperative we collectively protect them.
On Earth Day 2023, Story Money Impact and ecologyst made this powerful film completely free to watch. We supported organizations to host post-screening discussions with a virtual screening kit.
On this page, you will find:
A link to the film for rent on ecologyst’s website
Coordination one-pager to make opting in as easy as possible
Facilitator’s guide to help you navigate your own discussion
One-pager to assist thinking on meaningful action in the climate movement
Images, posters, biographies, and other promotional assets
Screening Link Request form
Story Money Impact is no longer offering free screenings of Before They Fall. To watch the film, rent it from ecologyst at the link below!

Watch this one hour discussion with our two guests: Rainbow Eyes, protagonist of Before They Fall and a land defender of ancient forests on Vancouver Island, including the old growth forests of ‘Ada’itsx (Fairy Creek), since 2020. And Keith Cherry, a settler academic and grassroots activist who is a Fairy Creek arrestee, a member of the Fairy Creek legal committee, and a University of Victoria instructor.
Learn why taking action now is more important than ever. This event is for those who may have taken a pause since the headline-making news of the Fairy Creek blockade, for those who are interested in learning more about the issues around old growth logging and Indigenous land protection, or those who need to understand where things currently stand. Now is the time to regain momentum, get educated, and take action.
If you choose to organize a screening or discussion for your organization, you may wish to promote the event in your newsletter, social media, or website. Included in the electronic press kit:
Film poster
Film trailer
High quality stills from the film
Bios of the film team, experts, and documentary participants
Coordinating an event can seem like a huge task, but our team has distilled all the major choices into this handy one-sheet, along with our pointers and suggestions. Will your event be in-person or virtual? Private or public? Will there be a discussion? Let us walk you through it!
Our goal is to use powerful stories to engage audiences in action. Audience members may stand up and ask, “What can I do?”
Share the link to this page with anyone who might want to organise a screening of this urgent and important film.
The Awi’nakola Foundation was founded by a group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, scientists and artists brought together by a common commitment to create tangible solutions for forest preservation and the current climate crisis. By sharing cross-disciplinary research practices, the group develops ways to heal the planet, heal the people, and change culture.
1. We have a legal team and a solid legal basis for stopping the harvest of old growth.
2. Experts are now preparing affidavits that provide the evidentiary basis for a court action.
3. We soon expect to file a petition with the Court. The basis of the petition is that Federal and Provincial law is being ignored and violated when an Old Growth Tree is damaged, destroyed or harvested. The Migratory Bird Convention Act (Canada) prohibits destroying the nests of certain migratory birds, especially the Marbled Murrelet and cavity dwelling birds, for which the tree is their nest.
4. We are asking people to make whatever monetary contribution they can to support our Petition. We will provide updates to supporters as the case progresses.
Story Money Impact has developed a discussion guide to facilitate post-screening dialogue.
This resource can be used for:
Self-guided time of reflection
A reference document for a group of friends to share their feelings
A guide for the moderator of an organization-wide meeting for Earth Day
Story Money Impact has developed an Youth Activity Guide for young people ages 14-19.
A worksheet to help youth reflect, enquire, respond and engage
Links and resources
Loads of discussion questions geared towards youth
Activities designed to engage youth in enviromental activism, Indigenous sovereignty and spirituality in nature